
新世界 正品 The wisdom of public diplomacy crossborder dialogues 跨国对话公共外交的智慧英·文版人气推荐.

  • 产品名称:跨国对话:公共外交的智慧...
  • 是否是套装:否
  • 书名:跨国对话:公共外交的智慧(英文版)
  • 定价:56.00元
  • 出版社名称:新世界出版社
  • 出版时间:2012年04月
  • 作者:赵启正
  • 开本:16开
  • 书名:跨国对话:公共外交的智慧(英文版)

Presenting China Today Is the Key 
(Dialogue with Paul Foldi in Beijing on September 22,201 0)
Norman Bethune’S Contribution Produced the Effect of Public Diplomacy
(Dialogue with Mark McDowell in Beijing on December 3,2010)
Many Obstacles to Be Overcome in China’S International Communication
(Dialogue with Sameh El―Shahat in Beijing on December 3,2010)
New Asia’S Peace and Prosperty
(Zhao Qizheng’s speech at the 6th Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity on May 29,2011)
China Never Takes Itself for a G2 Member
(Dialogue with South Korean expels on public diplomacy in Jeju on May 29,2011)
China’S GDP Comes from Hard Work and Diligence
Dialogue with Henry Kissinger in New York on June 2,2011)
Sensitive Questions Are in Greater Need of Answers
(Dialoguewith expels oftheNew YorkTimesinNewYork on June 2,2011)
Public Diplomacy:A Method Rather than a Science
(Dialogue with scholars of Harvard University on June 3,2011)
Difference Between Public and Commercial Broadcasting in America
(Dialogue with Gordon H.Smith in Washington on June 6.2011)
Legacy of Cold War Mentality Hinders Progress
(Dialogue witri Richard Lugar and others in Washington on June 6,2011)
Public Diplomacy:A Supplement to Official Government Diplomacy
(DiMogue with James Steinberg in Washington on June 6,20l 1)
Finding Ways to Make Mutual Study More Meaningful
(Dialogue with experts at Meridian hlternational Center Off June 6,2011)
Why No“Jessamine Revolution”in China
(Dialogue with Robert Lawrence Kuhn in Washington on June 6,2011)
China’S Search for a Model for Global Expression
(Dialogue with Mark Kirk in Washington on June 7,2011)
China Does Nol Hide lts Problems
(Zhao Qizheng’S speech at the Los Angeles World Affairs Council,followed by aQ&A session Off June 8,2011)
Improving Sino―U.S.Relations Is a Driving Force for World Progress
(Dialogue with USC scholars in Los Angeles on June 8,2011)
China Has Two Shining Coats:The Beijing Olympic Games and the 201 0 Shanghai Expo
(Seminar:Public Diplomacy in the Age of Globalization in Beijing on October 12,2011)
Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai Expo
(Dialogue with Joel Souza Pinto Sampaio in Shanghai Off November 19,2011)
Public Diplomacy Is Not Plastic Surgery
(Dialogue with Japanese experts on public diplomacy in T0kv0 on December 2,2011)

The New World Press excels inpublishing books in both Chinese and English versions.They haveattended my international dialogues in the past year,made effortsto coHect and record them and compiled the contents into thiSbook.Readers will find that the rapid growth of the Internet andsatellite television have made the world ever smaller;the public ofdifferent countries also pay more and more attention to how theirown countries’international reputation influences their personalinterests.In this sense,the public of different countries are nolonger passive receivers of public diplomacy,but activeparticipants.Today,the main body of public diplomacy is the socialinstitutes and NGOs in economy,culture,education,science,media,sports,arts and religion.
